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90 Day Fast Track

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Discovery

    Keyword Research
    5 Topics
  2. On-page SEO Review + Optimization
    6 Topics
  3. Website Review
    7 Topics
  4. Google My Business Setup / Review
    5 Topics
  5. Local Listing + Strategy
    5 Topics
  6. Reach
    Setup Email Marketing Tool
    4 Topics
  7. Integration with Website
    3 Topics
  8. Adding Website Widget / Call out to collect emails
    3 Topics
  9. Testing the system (Making sure it all works as expected!)
    5 Topics
  10. Start collecting emails or add emails from your previous lists
    3 Topics
  11. Run your first email campaign!
    5 Topics
  12. Influence
    Setup or Review Social Media Accounts
    2 Topics
  13. Ensure Consistency in name / logo / URL / tag across all platforms
  14. Develop your Hashtag
  15. Collect and organize your photos / images
  16. Create a content strategy & Schedule
    5 Topics
  17. Review Data (but don't give up!)
    2 Topics
Lesson 3, Topic 3
In Progress

Content Strategy for Website – Homepage, Services / Products, About, News / Blog

Adam June 7, 2021
Lesson Progress
0% Complete


Let’s say that again…CONTENT IS KING! One more time…CONTENT IS KING!

You get the picture.

Every website across the internet is made up of content. And the content tends to have a basic structure to it. Most of us are so used to this that we don’t even think about it. It’s easier for users to navigate a website in a way to which they are normally accustomed. This is why nearly every website has a navigation bar at the top of the screen. It serves as a way to organize the information.

But what is good content?

For starters, most websites are organized in a certain way. Every small business should have a few key pieces of information on their website. Here’s the most common examples:

  • Home Page – This one is pretty simple but is perhaps the most important! It’s often a visitor’s firsrt impression.
  • About Page – This is where visitors can learn why you do what you do. And hopefully it’s a place to tell a story that connects with others.
  • Products/Services – Visitors are there to potentially buy what you sell.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – This is not just a place to list answers to common questions. It’s a place to provide additional insight for why visitors should choose your products.
  • Contact – A great place to capture leads and more information from visitors.
  • Portfolio/Gallery – This is useful for creatives–it’s a place to showcase your work.
  • Blog – A blog takes work to maintain, but it can be worth it. Visitors who read blogs are often researching to get more information–here you can display your expertise and win them over.
  • Privacy policy – This page helps users understand how your website manages their data. This can be especially important for building trust.
  • Terms and Conditions – This page simply offers basic terms for how visitors can use the website.

Copy that

Many website builders offer templates for each of these pages that help you get started. But ultimately it’s up to the business owner to provide the copy for each page of the site. Copy is essentially all the words used on the site. Of course, the more pages you have, the more copy you need to generate. You can often someone to write copy for you, but if you don’t have the budget you’ll have to do it yourself. In any case, it’s a good idea to develop a content strategy.

Images and words tell the story of your business.

Every business has a story to tell. The idea is to use all the tools at your disposal to tell a story that resonates with potential customers. Even if your website doesn’t need much copy or words, images are needed to help convey the story visually. Social media offers yet another way to tell the story through pictures and words. Email marketing is still another way.

Develop a content strategy

The goal is to develop the right habits that lead to a productive workflow. It’s not always easy to set aside time to work “on” your business rather than working “in” your business. The 90 Day Fast Track is designed to help you build these habits. Building on the foundational knowledge you’ve gained, you can start to generate content ideas. This will form the basis for your marketing strategy. It’s important to generate copy that includes the right sets of keywords that correspond to the way people are searching online for information. We’ll discuss keyword research more in-depth in another topic.

Your assignment:

Content Planning & Personas

  1. Content planning: download our content planning worksheet to help you get started.

2. Develop your buyer personas. There are several online tools available to guide you.